Suzanna 100wc week 10

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Ghost Cake

‘‘Jake the bell is about to go, how about we go to the park, and listen to a ghostly story’’ Tashi whispered while they were in class.

Once the two boys were at the park. Tashi was telling Jake what he has made and used in a dungeon.

‘‘Now it starts once when I was walking past the baron’s house he clapped. I was just in his dungeon. It was crazy remember when I was with the white tigers Jake.’’ ‘‘Yes’’ exclaimed Jake ‘‘Well one of the white tigers were in there, so I used my ghost cake.’’

Iris’s week 8 100wc post

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But How Can Something So Tiny…

BANG! CRASH! Jayme had dropped the 3 plates, 2 bowls, and 5 cups on the floor!, When she was trying to carry everybody’s stuff into the kitchen. Mum,Dad and Baby Paige ran into the kitchen to see what had happened. Oh no said mum and dad at the same time, but what they didn’t know was that Baby Paige had already gone into the kitchen! and by the time that they had noticed Baby Paige she had already got the tinyest

suzanna 100wc week8

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..But how can something so tiny …

Just how can that group of super tiny ants carry a rock just how?

I am going to investigate

Team hurry up to the headquarters hurry

Here is our mission we need to do anything we can to find why incredibly small ants carry something like that rock over there

How about we all split up and find what ants are carrying but make sure it looks big and heavy

Team lets go

Go team investigates

Were of

This is team one speaking we found this ant that red agggh

Let’s get back now!

Brenton’s week 9 100wc post

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The Run

“Get back here!” Thomas was huffing and puffing, in a swift motion Thomas fell down a trap door in horror not remembering anything; Thomas started crawling towards a light so scared he could raise the dead with emotions causing through him. Thomas stood up and grabbed the light and started running he came across two ways and remembered someone saying one way leads to his memory, the other to Certain death he took the left side and was greeted by a man crying with a red face with brown hair, hard skin saying this is just the beginning.

Iris’s week 8 100wc post

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But how can something so tiny…

It was the last day of term and i was having a great time in the playground playing with my friends with my shoes off like me and my friends usually do while doing gymnastics, but then i slipped and fell down the three steps!! “AWWWW!!”,i screamed after i fell! My friends  looked over to see what had happened. They came running over saying ” What happened and are you ok”, I said i was fine but i only have small cut, so i went to sickbay and got a banade then i was ok.

100wc Prompt week 9

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This week’s prompt is another selection of 5 words that do not need to be in order!

Practice SHOW DON’T TELL in your writing.

Grabber starts get your reader’s attention!

Describe what the character hears, sees, smells, tastes, touches or feels


Hard   Beautiful   Brown   Worried   Camera


Deegan’s wk 8 100wc post

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Oooouuch!!! I had just tripped over some rocks of the concrete. I had a gash on my chin from the fall it hurt . Blood was coming out slowly but shorly. It didn’t hurt anymore after I started seeing little six legged creachers. They were so strong carrying things about fifty times there own body size. But how can something so tiny be so strong. It was like it could pick me up couple of centimetres off the ground. I got back up and walk off like nothing happen. My friend Jacob said “Are you okay”“Yes” I said, lets go.

Brodie’s 100 wk 8 challenge

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Smash! a glass fell on the floor.I trapped a tiny spider on the bench with that glass.but how could something so tiny could do that he must have super strength.

give me the dust pan and broom please I shouted, suddenly my little sister Skyla threw it at me for shouting at her.the spider was crawling all around the kitchen my cats winter willow were chasing it like crazy,they must love spiders,then i picked it up and put it outside it was easy because it was a daddy long legs. also i said goodbye and let it go forever BYE.


Jayme’s Week 8 100WC post

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Smash! A cup fell on the floor. I tripped over the glass cup. Where the glass had been there was a tiny spider on the bench. It must have like super strength or something because a spider that tiny could not push something that big its like 20 times bigger than it. I grabbed the dust pan and broom and swept up all the glass, then i got out a cup with a lid and trapped the spider and put it outside. I was walking in the kitchen then i tripped landed in glass that i missed. That must be karma.


Wk 8 100wc Prompt

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..but how can something so tiny …

Things to consider:

  • What is IT?
  • What has it done or is doing?
  • Why are you surprised?
  • What do you expect it to do?

Maybe you might find a picture to include in your post? You may even draw one that we could upload! Think outside the square and ENJOY 🙂


We enjoyed a google hangout with Sovereign Hill, Ballarat, Victoria today!

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We chatted with educators at Sovereign Hill in Ballarat today. we asked questions about life in the Gold Rush era and were shown around in real time. 

Alice and Pete answered questions and we learnt lots as they showed us around the settlement.

Afterwards completed a Plus, Minus, Interesting chart as we reflected on our learning.

Paige’s wk 7 100wc post

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It was sports day at school today and I was really excited about today because we got to do lots of fun activities my favorite is running. I heard my name and the gun went off I fell over and came last then I went to go receive my flag and they told me they run out. Then I went line up and they and they pushed me all the way to the back. I went back to class and was waiting for a work sheet and they missed me it like they see that’s why I am always last.

lola’s post 100wc week 7

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So that’s why I am always last

The first weeks post it was Friday and I was on my computer searching for something to do it came up with soccer so I went to try it out it said it was Thursday it was night time


It was the day I went to soccer so I got on my gear and there I go out on the field my team was EMMA,BLAIN,MIC,JADE,MIA.


It ended so we went to a room . I tripped OUTTTT oh

So that’s why I always come last.

Scarlett’s week 7 100 wc

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That is it I have had it no more saying I’M GONNA BE LAST because do you know how it feels to be the one that is always left out, and it seems to be that only Lily & Iris are the only ones that acutely want to stand at the back with meJ.


                            ‘’Hay how about every-one takes turns at be at the                                                                                                                                             back, front and middle’’ suggested Iris. Every-body started to laugh but then the teacher acutely thought it was a good Idea so she told every-body eminently to stop laughing. From that day us girls had massive fun.

suzanna’s 100wc post WK 7

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….So that is why I am always last….

Im huffing and puffing I used my spirit but still came last in my gymnastics run I wonder why I always come last just why why why why!

My dad and mum always came first in there gymnastics run so why can’t I!

It’s just not fare im so fit and all.

One night my mum and dad said its maybe not for me so I decided to go for another sport but I couldn’t think about one so I pulled one out of a hat it was netball so I joined.

Jessica’s 100wc post WK 7

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Everyone came rushing over my dad pick up my wheel chair I was devastated. Ever since I was a little girl I was disabled  and that’s why I always came last. When I was born I was in a wheel chair but the thing is that I love sport. I try and I try but its not worth trying anymore. My doters have been thinking for ages trying to make a way possible for me to run and play the sports that I watch on TV. Days later I found out that it was possible. I was happy forever.

Sethon’s week 7 100 wc

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So that’s why I’m always last


I’m always last at everything. Like my work I’m always the last person to finish, and I’m always the last person to get into my class room. I’m usually good at racing but for some reason I came last I didn’t know what was going on first my work and now my sports I thought to myself maybe something is trying to stop me from winning. So the next day it was sports day I said I’m going to lose all my events like shot put. At the end I won all my events.

Matthew week 7 100 wc

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So that’s why I’m always last


Today someone challenged me to a race. I was not very fast I tried really hard I did loose but I tried my hardest. Then there was a big race that everyone joined in excepted me. I was a bad at running because I was not born to run. But my friends didn’t care if I was slow. I wanted to be fast so I asked my friends to help me get faster.  At the end of the day I was way faster. The next day they helped me again I said thank you.

Brenton’s Week 7 100 word post

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Sports Day

My name was just called for the race, I dashed up to the start line. I just remembered that i was the the fastest and this one kid always pushes me out of my line to make me crash and that’s why i always lose, but this time he wont! Ready! Steady! GO! BANG the gun went off i started running then i saw the kid trying to push me! not this time! i said as i dodged his “accidental” fall HA! i said passing the Finish line feeling amazing! everybody cheered me for the rest of Friday!


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It was spots day it was my day I say to myself I will win and it will be my wining big sister says on you will never win that’s why you never win your to a loser I AM NOT A LOSER LILY! Mum told me and lily to stop fighting .I got ready and we whet to school it was the under 10 go it was my time I was at the stating line I ran and ran but I came last and say to myself lily is right I will never win I will never win