Jayme’s Week7 100WC Term2

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“BOOM” The Lightning struck against the ground.”CRASH” The waves were dancing against the sea shore.I awoke to the sound of waves crashing against the shore my dogs hated the sound. I creaped down the stairs.I let in my dogs but just as I was closing the door in the flash of lightning I saw a Lion! It’s fur as orange as the sunset , its mane flowing like leaves in an Autumn brease , it’s piercing eyes reflected in mine. I quickly slamed the door shut , ran to my room.I blinked my eyes and it turned to day. Was it a dream? Continue reading »

Jayme’s Week 8 100WC post

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Smash! A cup fell on the floor. I tripped over the glass cup. Where the glass had been there was a tiny spider on the bench. It must have like super strength or something because a spider that tiny could not push something that big its like 20 times bigger than it. I grabbed the dust pan and broom and swept up all the glass, then i got out a cup with a lid and trapped the spider and put it outside. I was walking in the kitchen then i tripped landed in glass that i missed. That must be karma.


Jayme’s Week 7 100WC

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“Why am I always last?” I asked dad. “It’s not your fault, it’s your teams fault” He told me. I started to cry and shouted “IT IS MY FAULT I’M NOTHING LIKE YOU YOU’RE A WINNER I’M A LOSER!” I ran to my room and slammed the door! A day later my parents took me to the doctors I didn’t know why. The doctor did a scan and said I needed an ankle brace. After 6 weeks I ran in a race! I bet everyone by a mile! Since then, I had never lost a race, I was a winner!