Brodie’s 100 wk 8 challenge

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Smash! a glass fell on the floor.I trapped a tiny spider on the bench with that glass.but how could something so tiny could do that he must have super strength.

give me the dust pan and broom please I shouted, suddenly my little sister Skyla threw it at me for shouting at her.the spider was crawling all around the kitchen my cats winter willow were chasing it like crazy,they must love spiders,then i picked it up and put it outside it was easy because it was a daddy long legs. also i said goodbye and let it go forever BYE.


Jayme’s Week 8 100WC post

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Smash! A cup fell on the floor. I tripped over the glass cup. Where the glass had been there was a tiny spider on the bench. It must have like super strength or something because a spider that tiny could not push something that big its like 20 times bigger than it. I grabbed the dust pan and broom and swept up all the glass, then i got out a cup with a lid and trapped the spider and put it outside. I was walking in the kitchen then i tripped landed in glass that i missed. That must be karma.


Wk 8 100wc Prompt

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..but how can something so tiny …

Things to consider:

  • What is IT?
  • What has it done or is doing?
  • Why are you surprised?
  • What do you expect it to do?

Maybe you might find a picture to include in your post? You may even draw one that we could upload! Think outside the square and ENJOY 🙂