lola’s post 100wc week 7

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So that’s why I am always last

The first weeks post it was Friday and I was on my computer searching for something to do it came up with soccer so I went to try it out it said it was Thursday it was night time


It was the day I went to soccer so I got on my gear and there I go out on the field my team was EMMA,BLAIN,MIC,JADE,MIA.


It ended so we went to a room . I tripped OUTTTT oh

So that’s why I always come last.

Scarlett’s week 7 100 wc

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That is it I have had it no more saying I’M GONNA BE LAST because do you know how it feels to be the one that is always left out, and it seems to be that only Lily & Iris are the only ones that acutely want to stand at the back with meJ.


                            ‘’Hay how about every-one takes turns at be at the                                                                                                                                             back, front and middle’’ suggested Iris. Every-body started to laugh but then the teacher acutely thought it was a good Idea so she told every-body eminently to stop laughing. From that day us girls had massive fun.

suzanna’s 100wc post WK 7

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….So that is why I am always last….

Im huffing and puffing I used my spirit but still came last in my gymnastics run I wonder why I always come last just why why why why!

My dad and mum always came first in there gymnastics run so why can’t I!

It’s just not fare im so fit and all.

One night my mum and dad said its maybe not for me so I decided to go for another sport but I couldn’t think about one so I pulled one out of a hat it was netball so I joined.

Jessica’s 100wc post WK 7

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Everyone came rushing over my dad pick up my wheel chair I was devastated. Ever since I was a little girl I was disabled  and that’s why I always came last. When I was born I was in a wheel chair but the thing is that I love sport. I try and I try but its not worth trying anymore. My doters have been thinking for ages trying to make a way possible for me to run and play the sports that I watch on TV. Days later I found out that it was possible. I was happy forever.