Jayme’s 100wc Post

The sea has gone, boats washed up. No sign of life, trees have grown. Boats been left to break in the sun light, moss covered the boats. Overgrown windy, deserted. Sun coming through the tree tops of a deserted forest. Blinding sun, deserted forest. Some reasons people never venture into these parts of the forest. Who knows there could have been a crocodile living in the waters that used to be there you might even find a body of a animal. The question is will anyone ever be brave enough to venture in this part of the forest who knows…

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4 thoughts on “Jayme’s 100wc Post

  1. Hi Jayme
    What an intriguing post! I love your opening lines ” The Sea has gone, boats washed up, trees have grown , no sign of life” this is a very creative response to this week’s 100 word challenge. It draws your readers in and your writing is full of suspense and mystery. I love mysteries and I really enjoyed reading this. Your ending “who knows” has left your story on a cliffhanger and I’dlove to know what happens next. well done
    Ms O’Keeffe Team 100wc
    Galway Ireland

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