Connor’s 100WC Post

One day there was a ship wot was a small ship and I was a god fishing bot but the fishing bot cant hold that much fish it was to smell to hold lots of fish sow it game back to the docos and chops it in bucks and want out a gen bot there was a rock in the way and the don’t know if there was a rock in the way and there hit the rock and stared to sink and there called for help and help was on the way and there got rescued bi them .

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2 thoughts on “Connor’s 100WC Post

  1. Hi Connor! I really like your story because it gives me a good idea of what you are trying to describe. Have a good rest of the year!

  2. Hi Connor! It is Olivia from Texas! I really like this story because you describe the things you wrote about very well. It give me a good image of it. Have a good rest of the year!

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