brodies 100w challenge wk3

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Smash! my amazing vase hit the ground.But why is there slime dripping out of my wall I wondered. then I thought it could be a baby alien or something else. So I just grabbed a cloth and a bottle of Windex to wipe it up.but i didn’t work oh no what am I going to do my mom is gonna be home soon. wait I got a idea how bout i bleach the floors instead so I do not get in ran to the Landry grabbed the mop and the bleach and started cleaning wish me luck I said.

wc week3 term2

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Slime monster.

The slime dripped through the window cracks I was so terrified I couldn’t feel my body I grabbed the blanket and got my computer so I could face time my mum and dad and tell them what was going on the computer was flat oh no I need my charger it is chewed by my pet bunny rabbit I ran all the way to the computer store it was covered with slime I got on my knees crying everything was going wrong suddenly I had my phone in my pocket I never realized hooray it all went away.